Château Rauzan Gassies 1983
Château Rauzan Gassies 1983
Château Rauzan Gassies 1983 is one of the most famous wineries in Margaux. It is not without reason that this is a Deuxième Grand Cru Classé. Or a wine that is among the top 100 best wines in the area. A more than 40 year old wine that is in very good condition in terms of label and bottle. If you are looking for a nice gift, this Old Bordeaux is certainly a nice option.
Château Rauzan Gassies 1983 is a top wine from Margaux
This is a wonderfully beautiful old red wine that has been well preserved. In Margaux, this winery is very famous for its high quality wines. If you want to give this wine as a gift, check our website for our gift packaging . Choose a wine box for 1 bottle or a beautiful gift box. Add a card to make your wine gift even more beautiful and personal.
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