Château Carcanieux 2000
Château Carcanieux 2000
The Château Carcanieux winery is located in the north of the Bordeaux region . Here it makes great red wines with good aging potential such as Château Carcanieux 2000 .
This red wine from Bordeaux has been matured for a long time and is now more than 20 years old. This also makes it a great wine to give as a gift on anniversaries.
Médoc is the heart of the Bordeaux wine region
In the Bordeaux region, Médoc is in a class of its own. The region extends for more than 80 kilometers and offers different soils. This makes every Bordeaux red wine different and therefore creates a lot of excitement. For example, the area is known for its large boulders and clay. In Médoc you often see the best Bordeaux wines that are still quite affordable. Beautiful wine from your year of birth !
What grape varieties does Château Carcanieux 2000 use?
The grapes used in this Bordeaux red wine are:
- 45% Merlot
- 40% Cabernet Sauvignon
- 10% Cabernet Franc
- 5% Petit Verdot
This means that this old red wine is well matured. The structure of Cabernet Sauvignon provides ripening potential. In addition, the merlot provides juiciness and the cabernet franc for dark fruit and color.
The subsurface makes the Château Carcanieux 2000 a unique Bordeaux wine
Of course, the most important thing for red Bordeaux wines is the substrate. In the area the large stones are referred to as Graves. This is how the Graves area got its name. The grapes for the Old Bordeaux were planted in 1977 according to an intensive replanting program.
20 years old and still in good condition
This wine is almost 20 years old and is still in excellent condition in terms of appearance. We cannot see inside the bottle. However, due to our affordable prices and fast delivery, you always have a nice anniversary wine at home. There is therefore no guarantee as to whether this Château Carcanieux 2000 still tastes good. We do know that with this old Bordeaux you have a unique wine gift for every wine lover.
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