Clos Beauregard 1985
Clos Beauregard 1985
Clos Beauregard is one of the best Pomerol wines you can find in the price segment. Moreover, you can store it well, just like this Clos Beauregard 1985. This old red wine is in good condition and was developed in the Bordeaux wine region. If you want to buy a wine from Pomerol, this winery is always a good idea.
Clos Beauregard 1985 comes from the Bordeaux wine region
In addition to many top wines, this more than 40 year old wine also comes from the Bordeaux region. It is one of the best Bordeaux wines of this village. In short, a wine from Pomerol that you want to buy. Looking for a wine for an anniversary or from a year of birth? Then this Clos Beauregard 1985 is an excellent choice.
Why buy a Pomerol wine?
Of course it is nice to buy a wine from the famous Pomerol because:
- The big name that everyone knows
- A kind of romance that the wine brings
- The class of the wine from this area
However, it is important to know that a 40 year old wine no longer tastes like a young flower. Unfortunately, we cannot give any guarantees regarding the taste of this Clos Beauregard 1985. We do know that this Bordeaux wine has been impeccably stored.
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